lunes, 26 de noviembre de 2018

Marianne Schnitger (1860- 1954)

Marianne Schnitger, German sociologist and feminist. Married to Max Weber and author of the publication of his masterpiece: "Economy and society".
From 1984, she began to be part of feminist activities, in which she started out by her friendship with the leader of the Federation of Associations of German Women, Gertrud Baümer. She also worked with her husband to increase the share of women in universities.
One of his main works is: "Authority and autonomy in marriage".
She was one of the first women to obtain a PhD and was also influential even in front of the men of her time. His writings question the role of man and propose education as a way to equality. He denounced the double feminine day and the salary inequality for the same work.
In the same sense, It struggled to achieve the autonomy of women and defended the equality of women in education, in participation in socio-economic life and in the contribution of women to science and culture.
It is also important because it was one of the first to coincide feminism with class struggle.

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