lunes, 10 de diciembre de 2018


This is my second semester of sociology. I'm going to talk about a subject that I liked a lot, especially because of the new perspectives it has given me.
This subject is Epistemology.
What we do is to learn basically about the philosophy of the methods, limits and paradigms of the science and of knowledge specifically. 
In classes, at first we listened to the professor talk about the classic epistemological approaches but then we, the students, investigate about issues and present them. 
In my case, I investigated about epistemological decolonilism and epistemic disobedience.
Nevertheless, we have learned about perspectivism, critical theory, positivism, phenomenology, about myths, transhumanism, among others, which are all different visions about what is and how knowledge is conceived and ordered.
I like the class because it questions everything we have learned so far, as it is a Western and modern knowledge, and that has denied as valid all other ways of understanding and knowing the world. 
In short, it is also important to understand that what we know about the world is what we have been taugth all our lives an that perhaps has limited what we can know
Resultado de imagen para epistemologia

4 comentarios:

  1. Epistemology is difficult but interesting!

  2. i like epistemology but i like so much classical theory

  3. I recomend you to stufy the drugs and chamnism epistemology, it's fantastic


  4. The image you chose is very rare but it helps to perfectly understand the subject C:
