lunes, 22 de octubre de 2018

Blog Session 3: My favorite piece of technology

My favourite piece of technology is the movie projector. 
what is this? easy! it's a device that allows to project films on the walls or any other surface.
I got it... in fact it isn't mine, it's from my cousin. He took it to me last year... and I still haven't given it back lol.
To use it is super simple, you need to do the conection with your laptop (or another, I don't know, this how I use it ) and, crucial, look for a white, smooth and big wall so that the image is projected correctly. The most important step is choosing a good movie and play it ! <3.
I do this process hum... everyday or every time that I can because I enjoy it so so so much.
I like it so much because to use it and prepare the room (dark room lol) it's like being in the cinema and one of the things that I enjoy the most is going to the cinema.
My life without the movie projector probably would be the same, but I really wouldn't like to stop having it.
That's all girls
Bye <3

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