lunes, 10 de junio de 2019

Post 8 - Personal opinions:
“What is your opinion about recycling?”

Hello, I’m gonna talk about my opinion on recycling.
First of all, I think it is important to point out that the world is very polluted, the seas full of garbage and plastic, poorly managed waste, toxic gases that damage the ozone layer, causing global warming, which is only now beginning to alarm the population.
There are different ways to stop the damage caused by humans to the environment, one of them is to recycle. I believe that recycling is of great importance since it basically allows the reuse of materials, instead of turning them into waste that is harmful to the environment. In addition, it slows down the use of raw materials and with that the exploitation of natural resources.
Recycling also allows the amount of waste generated by humanity to be reduced, decontaminating the habitats of endangered species, and allowing the free development of the planet's flora and fauna. Recycling would reduce the greenhouse effect, resulting in cleaner air, which would also benefit humans.
On the other hand, I believe that promoting a culture of recycling would open people's awareness of issues of environmental care, thus establishing a new way of interacting with natural resources, respecting the planet and the flora and fauna space. land.
I am convinced, however, that for this project to work, there must first be a change in the way large companies interact with the natural environment, since they are the main sources of pollution on the planet.

Resultado de imagen para reciclaje
Post 7 - Themed Work

Hi, today I am going to talk about academic life and stress in university.
The students of the university, in general live with stress and normalize the excessive academic load as part of what it means to study undergraduate. This vision has been hegemonic and few have questioned the mental health of the students.
I think it is important that the university is a space for reflection, creation and discussion of knowledge. In this sense, it is wrong to think that for this we must overload ourselves and let the academic consume all the spaces of life.
I think that it should be claimed to respect the extracurricular times of the students, as well as the travel times of those who live far from their study centers, including thinking in a more inclusive way, respecting the unique learning times of each student, demanding such a way that does not represent problems when performing, taking care of the learning process and not just trying to comply with just what is required by the university.
Another important point is that with this way of teaching, based on the one that manages to pass, and the one that does not simply stay on the road, it encourages competition, generating more stressful climates and taking away space when building knowledge among friends.
I really think that university must be a space for happiness and learning in peace and it shouldn’t represent a problem for the mental health of the students.Resultado de imagen para mental health


Post 6 - Postgraduate Studies

Hi, today I will talk about what kind of postgraduate studies I would like to do. But first, the reasons.
In the first place, I think it’s very important to never stop studying, within the possibilities that each one possesses, to continue acquiring knowledge, of whatever kind, it is fundamental for the integral development of each person. Second, I think it is an instance to continue studying the area of ​​interest, without forgetting the professional possibilities that a postgraduate can offer.
In my case, I would very much like to do two types of subsequent studies, first, languages. I would love to travel to other countries to know their cultures and learn their languages. I believe that the language of each culture is the key to be able to understand them and get closer to them. On the other hand, I would like to continue perfecting sociology, complementing a postgraduate degree in social psychology or philosophy.
Both subjects have made me think and perceive everything in a very different way and I have managed to apply this knowledge to my daily life as well.
In either case, I would like to go to study outside of Chile, in order to learn from other academic and cultural perspectives. Always, also, with the idea of ​​personal growth and not letting themselves be carried only by subsequent economic interests.

Resultado de imagen para languages
Post 5 - Future Job

Now I will talk about what I would like to study apart from languages ​​in the future. In my second semester of sociology I had the branch "Epistemology".
What we learned is in simple words, the philosophy of methods, limits and paradigms of science and knowledge.
In the classes, at first we listen to the professors talk about the classic epistemological approaches, but then we, the students, investigate the problems and present them. We had to investigate about an epistemological problem that interested us.
In my case, I investigated epistemological decolonialism and epistemic disobedience. That basically seeks to claim non-Eurocentric knowledge and know the world from the perspective of Latin America.
However, we learned about perspectivism, critical theory, positivism, phenomenology, myths, transhumanism, among others, which are different visions of what is and how knowledge is conceived and ordered.
I liked the class because it questions everything we have learned so far, since it is a western and modern knowledge, and that has denied as valid all other ways of understanding and knowing the world.
In summary, it is also important to understand that what we know about the world is what we have been controlling all our lives and that perhaps it has limited what we can know. That is why, in the future, I would like to be able to exercise this knowledge and hopefully study it in depth.

Resultado de imagen para decolonialism epistemology+
Post 4 -  Themed work

Now I’m gonna talk about a movie that I like a lot. Its name is “Nocturnal Animals”. This movie is a neo-noir psychological thriller film of the 2016. Is produced by Tom Ford, who also is a model designer. The film based in the novel “Tony and Susan” by Austin Wrigth.
The neo-noir psychological thriller means dark movie with a orientation that appeal to the subjective fears of the viewer, also has a dark aesthetic that create a suspense climate.
Nocturnal animals take place in three differents moments. First, the "real world" in which Susan Morrow (interpreted by Amy Adams) receives a books written by her exhusband Edward Sheffield (interpreted by Jake Gyllenhall). So this moment is based on her reading it.
The second moment passes within the novel, in which the protagonist of the novel, in short, seeks justice for the rape and murder of his wife and daughter, inside which he dies in an absurd manner, alluding to his inability to be in charge of his family.
Then, in the moment in the real world, but in the present, in the state of shock due to the crisis of the story, Susan seeks to meet Edward to talk about something terrible that caused him to separate, but he never arrived.
I like how two stories so different (the "real" Susan and the book), a melancholy and another violent, are combined in a single universe with their own laws on love lost. The hurt emotion of Susan takes possession of one, just as one can feel Edward's (with the reading that is made there of the book he has written).

Post 3 - Themed work

I believe that the social sciences are currently very devalued in the labor field. The ideas of development and progress put forward careers related to the natural sciences and mathematics, leaving aside humanistic development in society. In my particular case, I have not yet planned a job to aspire to, my dream is to travel and continue studying, however at some point I will have to choose where or what kind of work I want to have. I think that if it only depended on me, I would work on something that would allow me to travel a lot and continue learning things, I do not want to get stuck in routine.
I think that sociology, although it does not have such a secure labor field, has the advantage of being a moldable academy that can be adapted to different areas. The study of society is, without a doubt, a knowledge required everywhere. In this sense, different contributions arise, such as statistics, history, philosophy, among other areas that make this career a very complete one.
I would like to work ethnographies in other countries, or work for international organizations that allow me to have an integral growth by being in contact with different cultures and realities. In addition, I would like to be a contribution to solve different types of social problems and collaborate to reduce the suffering of people.
Part of my plans is to study other languages ​​so I hope I can do that before looking for some kind of work.

Resultado de imagen para social science
Post 2 - My dreamed Job

In my childhood I dreamed of being an astronaut, I loved watching the stars and I dreamed of traveling to space, I enjoyed space toys and going to the planetarium.
Then I grew up and although I never stopped liking outer space, traveling to it seems impossible.
When I had to choose to study at the university, I had to decide between three areas that I liked. Psychology, law and sociology. I discarded the laws easily because I did not want to study something so structured and psychology I left it because I was not so sure. I chose sociology because I was interested in understanding more about the world around us, and it also contained different areas, such as philosophy and mathematics, which I also enjoy a lot.
My experience in college has been pretty good so far. I have met many people who have become important in my life and discovered many ideas and thoughts that I did not have before. I like the idea of ​​continuing to discover new things and in a place as diverse as a university I feel very comfortable.
In the future I would like to have a job that would allow me to travel the world, to know other cultures and places. I would like a dynamic job and escape as much as possible from the routine in an office.

Resultado de imagen para astronaut