lunes, 10 de junio de 2019

Post 7 - Themed Work

Hi, today I am going to talk about academic life and stress in university.
The students of the university, in general live with stress and normalize the excessive academic load as part of what it means to study undergraduate. This vision has been hegemonic and few have questioned the mental health of the students.
I think it is important that the university is a space for reflection, creation and discussion of knowledge. In this sense, it is wrong to think that for this we must overload ourselves and let the academic consume all the spaces of life.
I think that it should be claimed to respect the extracurricular times of the students, as well as the travel times of those who live far from their study centers, including thinking in a more inclusive way, respecting the unique learning times of each student, demanding such a way that does not represent problems when performing, taking care of the learning process and not just trying to comply with just what is required by the university.
Another important point is that with this way of teaching, based on the one that manages to pass, and the one that does not simply stay on the road, it encourages competition, generating more stressful climates and taking away space when building knowledge among friends.
I really think that university must be a space for happiness and learning in peace and it shouldn’t represent a problem for the mental health of the students.Resultado de imagen para mental health


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