lunes, 10 de diciembre de 2018


This is my second semester of sociology. I'm going to talk about a subject that I liked a lot, especially because of the new perspectives it has given me.
This subject is Epistemology.
What we do is to learn basically about the philosophy of the methods, limits and paradigms of the science and of knowledge specifically. 
In classes, at first we listened to the professor talk about the classic epistemological approaches but then we, the students, investigate about issues and present them. 
In my case, I investigated about epistemological decolonilism and epistemic disobedience.
Nevertheless, we have learned about perspectivism, critical theory, positivism, phenomenology, about myths, transhumanism, among others, which are all different visions about what is and how knowledge is conceived and ordered.
I like the class because it questions everything we have learned so far, as it is a Western and modern knowledge, and that has denied as valid all other ways of understanding and knowing the world. 
In short, it is also important to understand that what we know about the world is what we have been taugth all our lives an that perhaps has limited what we can know
Resultado de imagen para epistemologia

lunes, 3 de diciembre de 2018

Blog Session 7: My favorite Food

A while ago my favorite food would have been the shrimp, but a few months ago I became a vegetarian, so I will choose as a favorite food the Ravioli stuffed with spinach and cheese.
I tried them for the first time in a restaurant that I went with my family. My family ordered things with meat and they made fun of my choice, but then when we tasted it they were all stealing from my plate.
Ravioli are pasta filled with different ingredients. They are accompanied by some type of sauce, especially tomato or pesto. ( And much much much grated cheese <3) 
Now, I usually try to do it at home, but the result has never come similar to the recipe. Anyway, the taste is delicious and it makes me so so happy to eat it. Sometimes I serve it with champignon mushroom or sautéed of vegetables. So, the problem is tidy up the kitchen at the end, but it is worth it. 
Also I really love fried potatos, and mix both plates its really a good panorama.

lunes, 26 de noviembre de 2018

Marianne Schnitger (1860- 1954)

Marianne Schnitger, German sociologist and feminist. Married to Max Weber and author of the publication of his masterpiece: "Economy and society".
From 1984, she began to be part of feminist activities, in which she started out by her friendship with the leader of the Federation of Associations of German Women, Gertrud Baümer. She also worked with her husband to increase the share of women in universities.
One of his main works is: "Authority and autonomy in marriage".
She was one of the first women to obtain a PhD and was also influential even in front of the men of her time. His writings question the role of man and propose education as a way to equality. He denounced the double feminine day and the salary inequality for the same work.
In the same sense, It struggled to achieve the autonomy of women and defended the equality of women in education, in participation in socio-economic life and in the contribution of women to science and culture.
It is also important because it was one of the first to coincide feminism with class struggle.

lunes, 19 de noviembre de 2018

Blog Session 5: A photograph you like

Hi again!
Today I'm gonna talk about a photograph that I took this summer. In it my brother and uncle appear walking towards the center of Caburga Lake. 
This photo was taken on a trip around all the south of Chile that we did this year with my family.
More specifically it was a day that we should have returned, but we decided to stay one more week and I was very happy, it reminds me of that moment
More than the photo, I like it because it represents all the moments that I lived with my family in that summer. It reminds me of the air, the weather, even the smells.
Pucón is one of my favorites places of Chile, not only for the place itself, but for what being there means to me. 
Well, also I like the photo because under my perspective has a good play of lights and captures to a certain extent the breadth of the southern landscapes.
Finally it always good to put puppies!

lunes, 5 de noviembre de 2018

Film: Nocturnal Animals (2016)

nocturnal animals amy adams gif
The Nocturnal Animals is a neo-noir psychological thriller film written, produced and directed by Tom Ford (who also is a model designer). The movie based in the novel "Tony and Susan" by Austin Wrigth. The neo-noir psychological thriller means dark movie with a orientation that appeal to the subjective fears of the viewer, also has a dark aesthetic that create a suspense climate. 
The film takes place in three differents moments, first, the "real world" in which Susan Morrow (interpreted by Amy Adams) receives a books written by her exhusband Edward Sheffield (interpreted by Jake Gyllenhall). So this moment is based on her reading it.
By the way, the name of this book is "nocturnal animals". 
The second moment passes within the novel, in which the protagonist of the novel, in short, seeks justice for the rape and murder of his wife and daughter, inside which he dies in an absurd manner, alluding to his inability to be in charge of his family.
Then, in the moment in the real world, but in the present, in the state of shock due to the crisis of the story, Susan seeks to meet Edward to talk about something terrible that caused him to separate, but he never arrived.
I like how two stories so different (the "real" Susan and the book), a melancholy and another violent, are combined in a single universe with their own laws on love lost. The hurt emotion of Susan takes possession of one, just as one can feel Edward's (with the reading that is made there of the book he has written).

It is a metaphor of how monogamous love can be distorted to the point of generating the most raw emotions, which managed to portray with excellent performances and games of time.
I take it as a criticism of the established way of love and above all how it can pass from happiness to situations of human cruelty.
that's all again! 

lunes, 22 de octubre de 2018

Blog Session 3: My favorite piece of technology

My favourite piece of technology is the movie projector. 
what is this? easy! it's a device that allows to project films on the walls or any other surface.
I got it... in fact it isn't mine, it's from my cousin. He took it to me last year... and I still haven't given it back lol.
To use it is super simple, you need to do the conection with your laptop (or another, I don't know, this how I use it ) and, crucial, look for a white, smooth and big wall so that the image is projected correctly. The most important step is choosing a good movie and play it ! <3.
I do this process hum... everyday or every time that I can because I enjoy it so so so much.
I like it so much because to use it and prepare the room (dark room lol) it's like being in the cinema and one of the things that I enjoy the most is going to the cinema.
My life without the movie projector probably would be the same, but I really wouldn't like to stop having it.
That's all girls
Bye <3

lunes, 8 de octubre de 2018

Blog Session 2: Why did you choose this career?

When I was a child I wanted to be an engineer, because at that moment I wanted to create robots.
But when I started to grow up I began to be interested in the humanistic area, especially thanks to my mother being a teacher and my uncle a sociologist.
When I took the PSU test I had a confusion between journalism, law and sociology.
The first one I discarded because I did not imagine reporting, the second one because I thought it twice, and... so boring!
So, I had only one option left, and i felt comfortable with that. 
I like sociology because it delivers a new perspective to see who we are and who surround us. The problem is that I'm still not sure, since, for example, psychology would deliver the same tool, for that psychology still a good option.
Inside the career, -for now...- I really like three areas, social psychology, education and philosophy.
Anyway, I'm just starting, I'm still not sure, but I like what I study.

lunes, 1 de octubre de 2018

Blog Session 1: My autobiography

Hi, my name is Marcelo Nogues Bustamante. I'm eighteen and I live in Puente Alto.
I have one brother. He is ten years old.
I study sociology, although I'm not sure, I like different areas, especially psychology. By the way, one of my biggest dreams is meet the world and other cultures.
I also like to dance and watch movies.
One of my favourite movies is "Rebel without a cause", I like the criticism they made about masculinity, and how they represented the problems about homosexuality from an adult-centered point of view, obvious also the performances lol.
Also like Hannibal show, it's so abstract and they knew how to find romance in horror.
I'm a biggest fan of Lady Gaga, she and her discurse can give tools for afront the life in a completely different, unique and rebel way: be yourself.
Ah! I love Bad Bunny xoxo<3.

lunes, 24 de septiembre de 2018

Hi, my name is Marcelo Nogues,I really would like to find meanings to things. 

I greatly enjoy attending pubs and watching movies at the cinema.
In my free time I usually read books (not the mandatory reading, obvious,duh!)
At the cinema and the books, I like the independent movement, but I also like classic thrillers and iconic movies of directors like Tarantino or Stanley Kubrick
There is not much more.